Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Welcome to Day 4, Everyone!

Videos/pix  from labs, yesterday 
and today

Vitamin C Lab

AK-L 207
Bread Activity
Wine and Spirits)
Ezrailson/Kuhlman/ Koppang
Pardee 310


  1. Enjoy the cake I brought. Banana and pumpkin.

  2. Thanks, Drs. Ezrailson and Koppang, for leading and preparing for our enlightening and enjoyable activities and learning today!...and for our class contributor of the unusual wines we got to sample.

    And Darla, thank you for figuring out THE snag in "commenting" on posts: uncheck the "keep me signed-in" box on the sign-in,login page!!!!!... and for our enjoyable lab partnership today.

    I am thankful for the abundance of useful knowledge and teaching tools acquiredd this week.

  3. Recipe from Nancy and Dawn
    Grandma's Raisin Oatmeal Cookies

    Cream: 1C sugar & 1C brown sugar
    1C crisco(or 1/2 oleo,1/2 crisco)(or all
    light margarine)
    Add: 2 eggs, 1t.vanilla
    Boil: 1C raisins.
    Mix: 1t.b.soda, 5T.water from raisins, & raisins; mix well w/creamed mixture.
    Sift: 2 1/2 C flour (add more if you use all
    light margarine),1t.cinnamon,1/2 t.salt,
    1 1/2C. oatmeal,& opt-1/2C.nuts
    Add: dry to creamed...
    Bake: @375
    (Store cookies in airtight container with slice of bread)

    Our recipe illustrates acid/base reactions.
